Thursday, June 1, 2023

 Do you have pets, namely dogs or cats? Or how about children? Well, then you'll want to keep reading the 17th installment on Gardening Tips & Tricks about toxic plants that could harm your fur and human babies if ingested.

First, many plants are perfectly fine for pets or children, but some may look gorgeous and even smell great, but they can be deceiving.

Let's jump into the top 10 plants you should NOT plant or take caution if you have precious ones. Some may surprise you.

🐈 1. Lilies - yep, these striking plants can cause issues with dogs and cats (more severely in cats) and could result in acute kidney injury or death. Dogs may get an upset stomach if they munch down on one. This pertains to the bulb, leaves, pollen, flowers, or water in which the flowers have been sitting.

🐎 2. Azaleas and Rhododendrons - These plants can cause severe health effects if taken in large amounts for dogs, cats, and even horses. Irregular heartbeat, and seizures, can occur. A mild stomach upset is typically all that happens if in small amounts.

🐕 3. Sago palms are a no-no PERIOD. The entire plant is highly toxic to pets AND children. The seeds and nuts are the most toxic and include vomiting, diarrhea, liver failure, and death.

🐈 4. Tulips - If bulbs are ingested (highly unlikely), they can cause severe stomach distress, so if you're not immediately planting them, keep out of reach of little hands or pets.

🐩 5. Hydrangeas- one of my favorite plants, is, unfortunately, toxic due to cyanide; however, for most pets, only stomach upset occurs. Still, I would take caution when planting them. I have one in a container with a plant that my mutt hates, so he stays away. Two more are where he typically doesn't go.

🐈 6. Peace Lilies contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause mild stomach upset, drooling, and mouth pain, so if you plant them, ensure they are a houseplant kept high up on a shelf.

🐕 7. Devil's Ivy or Pothos - same as Peace Lillies, not highly toxic, but still can cause the above. Thankfully, neither plant is absorbed systemically, so no organ damage occurs.

🐈 8. Lantana - they smell Heavenly, but in rare cases, cats and dogs can experience liver failure if eaten in large doses. It's more common to get digestive issues, so be aware when planting them.

🐩9. Daffodils can cause severe upset stomachs if overeaten. They can also cause intestinal blockage, so keep them away from pets and teach children not to touch them.

🐈10. Hostas can also cause mild stomach upset, so keep an eye on your pets. They usually won't touch them because no smell attracts them.

Okay, confession here: I have 7 of these plants in my garden right now; however, my mutt never touches them - whew~

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Happy gardening!

#toxicplants #pets #gardening

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